Wednesday, May 22, 2013


This is my mums blythe doll her name is Spooky (she's not that scary) . It might  be 25 c in  New Caledonia but this girl is cold. This photo is taken in my frontyard. That's all!!
                                           Bye bye !!!!!!!:)

Thursday, May 9, 2013


As you can see this blog post is about jumping. I'm the one in the black dress.The photo's are taken by my awesome brother Django, he has a blog too called zzooomm it's about photographie.
In the first photo it's me!!
In the second photo it's me and my friend!!!
In the third photo it's me and some of my awesome friends jumping!!
bye bye!!!:)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Travelling girl

This is a travelling blythe doll, her name is Aurora she has travelled all around the world. She has got very pretty eye colors and in the first photo you can see her eye lids. They are amazing!!
In the second photo you can see the amazing Aurora.
And in the third it's the amazing Aurora again.
Bye Bye!!!!!!!:)